Welcome to
Woods Consulting

Woods Consulting provides construction and architectural consulting as a one-time consult or on an ongoing project basis. Woods Consulting comes to the table within depth knowledge of architecture and construction. We have built structurally complex designs on challenging sites. We know how to quickly identify potential problems and prevent costly and time intensive mistakes. We also advise on the feasibility of luxury home purchases and renovations before you commit your time and money.

What We Do...

  • mediate disagreements and contract breeches with contractors, subs, and designers
  • communicate with city planning departments to expedite resolutions
  • partner with construction lawyers to enforce contracts and ensure client protection
  • take-over of construction supervision or management available
  • daily on-site visits to monitor progress available
  • on-site monitoring of progress and identification of potential problems
  • establish if desired renovations are possible within property lines and restrictions
  • navigate HOA guidelines and mediate disputes
  • render professional opinion on new builds including feasibility of buying and blading
  • real estate analysis included in consultations
  • ”Should I Buy this House?” or “Should I Renovate this House?” onsite visits with report
  • partial or full credit of consultation fees for new architectural or construction projects
  • one-time, daily, weekly or monthly service contracts available
  • each case is different and therefore our services are customized to meet the needs of each client

Our Clients Often Ask...

“Should I buy this property or this house?”

Is this house a good investment? Does it have undeclared restrictions, unpermitted work, a wash going through the property or other limitations that do not allow for an addition, HOA guidelines imposing height restrictions etc.? We will meet you onsite and give you our professional opinion and a summary of our findings.

“Can I renovate or build what I want?”

Just because you want to do it, doesn’t mean you can. Even if the neighbors appear to have done what you want to do, you may not be allowed. There also could be cost or scheduling factors that you may not be aware of. You will either gain peace of mind and be inspired or save yourself a lot of stress and money. We will do some background work to find out what you need to know before you proceed. We will also meet you onsite to give you our professional opinion as to whether you should move forward along with alternate design ideas to consider. 

“There are problems on my design or building project and I need advice”

If you think there are problems with your house build, there probably are. Maybe the contractors are not showing up regularly. They keep asking for more money. There are some serious safety concerns on site. You don’t like the way your house is looking. Your contractor is using materials you didn’t approve. Unfortunately this is happening more and more. Be careful when choosing an architect or builder. Ensure they are qualified. If you are having problems we can help. We can provide a one time or weekly site visits to identify and resolve issues.

We can also provide a more intensive service where we intervene and work along side the contractors and subs. We will involve a residential construction lawyer for the more difficult cases. Our goal is to stop the substandard practices, demand accountability and get the project to completion asap.

Please call our office and we will be happy to review your situation with you and suggest the best consulting service to meet your needs.

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